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2017-03-16 11:26:00 来源: 【 】 浏览:
目      录
湖北文理学院留学生管理规定......................................................... 1
第一章  总    则....................................................................1
第二章 留学生学籍管理.............................................................. 1
第一节  入学与注册................................................................................. 1
第二节  转学与转专业................................................................................. 2
第三节  休学与复学................................................................................. 3
第四节  成绩考核及记载办法......................................................... 3
第五节  留降级..................................................................... 4
第六节  退学....................................................................... 4
第七节  毕业、结业与学位........................................................... 5
第三章校园秩序..................................................................... 5
第四章考勤、考试与纪律............................................................. 6
第五章处分......................................................................... 7
第六章宗教事务管理................................................................ 11
第七章留学生公寓管理.............................................................. 12
第一节  留学生住房规定............................................................ 12
第二节  留学生用电用气的有关规定.................................................. 13
第三节  会客制度.................................................................. 13
第四节  其它规定................................................................. 14
第八章其他有关管理规定与制度.................................................... 15
第一节  学生请假制度............................................................. 15
第二节  学生证卡管理制度.......................................................... 16
第三节  考场规则.................................................................. 16
第四节  教室规则.................................................................. 17
第五节  实验室规则................................................................ 17
第六节  学生阅览室规则............................................................ 18
第七节  学生图书借阅制度.......................................................... 18
第八节  学生安全管理制度.......................................................... 19
第九节  学生购买保险的规定....................................................... 19
第十节  留学生住宿登记规定........................................................ 20
第十一节  留学生出入境及居留许可办理规定.......................................... 21
Rules and Regulations for Foreign Students of Hubei University of Arts and Science............................................................................................................. 23
1.GENERAL RULES......................................................................... 24
2.ITEMS OF REGISTRATION MANAGEMENT............................ 24
3.CAMPUS RULES.......................................................................... 31
5.BREACH PENALTIES................................................................... 33
附件一:............................................................................................... 59
Attachment 1:...................................................................................... 59
附件二:............................................................................................... 62
Attachment 2:...................................................................................... 62
附件三:............................................................................................... 66
Attachment 3:...................................................................................... 66
附件四:............................................................................................... 70
Attachment 4:...................................................................................... 72
附件五:............................................................................................... 74
Attachment 5:...................................................................................... 74
附件六:................................................................................................ 77
Attachment 6:...................................................................................... 79
附件七:............................................................................................. 82
Attachment 7:...................................................................................... 84
第一章  总    则
    第一条 为了维护学校正常的教育教学秩序和生活秩序,保障留学生身心健康、合法权益,顺利完成学业,依据《中华人民共和国教育法》、《中华人民共和国高等教育法》、《高等学校接收外国留学生管理规定》,制定湖北文理学院留学生管理规定。
    第二条 学校根据我国宪法、法律法规及有关规定,结合我校实际,健全管理制度,规范管理行为,维护学校的正常秩序和留学生的合法权益,提高教育教学质量。
第三条 留学生在湖北文理学院学习期间要自觉遵守中国的宪法、法律、法规,遵守校纪校规,培养良好的道德品质、文明风尚和良好的心理素质、身体素质;应当勤奋学习,勇于实践,求实创新,努力掌握现代科学知识、专业技能。
第四条 该规定适用于我校本科各专业留学生。
第二章 留学生学籍管理
第一节  入学与注册
    第一条 新生入学必须按规定日期报到。报到时,需持录取通知书、JW202签证申请表及学校规定的其它有关证件,并在入学后第一周内缴纳学费、保险费和其他相关费用,方可办理居留手续。没有按时交学费及无特殊情况未经请假逾期报到超过一周者,取消入学资格;详细缴费规定请参见附件一《留学生费用缴纳规定》。
    第二条 新生入学时,学校按国家体检要求和标准进行身体复查,否则取消其入学资格。经复查发现患有疾病,并在短期内可以治愈者,由本人申请,学校批准,可保留入学资格一年,回国治疗。治疗期间不享受在校生待遇。保留入学资格的新生于下一学年开学前到学校复查,体检合格者,准予重新办理入学手续,学习期限从下一学年算起;复查不合格或逾期一周不办理入学手续者,取消入学资格。
第三条 新生入学时,获得合格健康证书方可入学。
第四条 如发现有不符合入学条件和手续者,由学校区别情况予以处理,直至取消入学资格。
第五条 新生报到流程
    第六条 学籍表
    第七条 学生证
    第八条 每学期开学时,留学生必须按时到校,交纳相关费用,并办理新学期入学注册手续。因故不能如期注册者,必须履行请假手续,否则以旷课论处。根据国家教育部有关规定,实行毕业生电子注册。留学生毕业时,由学校统一按教育部要求和留学生学籍表提供毕业生姓名、性别、出生年月、专业、入学时间等电子信息。
第二节  转学与转专业
    第一条 为保证专业人才培养的稳定性和教育资源的合理利用,原则上不允许学生调换专业。
    第二条 学校原则上不办理转学。
第三节  休学与复学
    第一条 留学生有下列情况之一者,应予休学:
    第二条 留学生办理休学手续需持有关证明提出申请,经国际教育学院院长批准,方可办理。因病或因事休学以一年为期限。
    第三条 因病休学的留学生,一律离校回家休养。休学期间,休学学生医疗费用和回国往返路费自理。
    第四条 休学期满要求复学者,需持书面申请、休学证明到国际教育学院报到。因病休学的留学生须在学校指定的医院复查身体,合格者由国际教育学院院长签发复学证明,办理复学手续。复学后编入原专业下一年级学习。对要求复学的留学生,有证据表明留学生在休学期间有严重违法乱纪行为者,取消复学资格。
第五条  留学生在保留入学资格和休学期间,不得报考其它学校,否则,取消入学和复学资格。
第四节  成绩考核及记载办法
    第一条 教学计划规定的课程均在考核之内。留学生必须接受学校的考核。学校根据学生的考试成绩决定其留降级、退学、肄业、结业、毕业等学籍问题。
    第二条 每门课程结束时,要对学生进行考核,可采取笔试、口试、平时考试等考核方式。成绩评定实行百分制,60分为及格线,考试时间为1.5~2个小时,平时成绩约占总成绩的30%左右。
第三条 留学生在校学习期间,汉语作为必修课,学生必须通过相应汉语水平测试。
    第四条 留学生缺勤累计超过某门课程教学时数三分之一者,不得参加本门课程考核,本门课程按零分计,经学生书面申请获学校批准后,允许参加补考一次,补考成绩通过者按60分计。
    第五条 毕业考试由学校统一组织,由专业知识考试和汉语考试组成。留学生在最后一年(临床)实习后参加毕业考试及(临床)操作综合技能考试,成绩合格后,发给毕业证书。 
  第六条 留学生不得随意查询试卷,如对考核所得分数有异议要求对试卷复查时,可在成绩公布后一周内,向国际教育学院提出复查试卷申请,经国际教育学院院长批准,由国际教育学院教学管理人员会同所在学院教学办、教研室及评卷教师组织核查,复查结果报国际教育学院,并通知学生本人。
    第七条 严格掌握考试请假审批手续。留学生在考试期间不得无故不参加考试,确因病、特殊事由不能参加考试,必须由本人于考试前提出书面缓考申请,经国际教育学院院长批准后方可参加缓考。
    第八条 凡未履行考试请假手续擅自缺考者均属旷考。旷考课程不计分,直接纳入补考名单,并给予相应的纪律处分。
    第九条 留学生考试必须携带学生证/卡,以证明学生身份,特殊情况可由学校国际教育学院开具证明信,否则取消其考试资格。
第五节  留降级
   第一条 凡学年考核成绩不及格经补考仍有三门(含)以上未通过者,予以留级或降级处理。
    第二条 留降级的留学生要向学校缴纳学费、保险费和其它相关费用。
第六节  退学
    第一条 留学生有下列情形之一者,经国际教育学院审核,校长批准,应予退学。
    第二条 留学生退学报省教育厅备案。
第七节  毕业、结业与学位
    第一条 留学生毕业时,学校根据其在校表现做出道德品质以及学习、健康状况等方面的全面鉴定,并记入个人档案。
    第二条 留学生在校期间德、智、体全面发展,完成教学计划规定的全部课程,考核全部合格,准予毕业,颁发毕业证书。
    第三条 结业及颁发毕业证书
6. 未取得汉语水平考试四级证书者。
第四条 留学生在校期间德、智、体全面发展,学习成绩优良,毕业时授予学士学位。
第五条 留学生毕业手续办理流程和离校注意事项请参见附件二《毕业生离校知情书》。
第三章  校园秩序
第一条 留学生须遵守校园管理制度,爱护校园公共设施,维护校园正常秩序;讲究文明礼貌,尊敬师长,尊重教职员工的劳动;团结同学,关心集体,热爱劳动;创造整洁、优美、安静、安全的学习和生活环境。
    第二条 图书馆、阅览室、教室、实验室、宿舍等是学生学习、生活的场所,其设备是公共财产,留学生有责任爱惜和保护,损坏应予赔偿。
    第三条 留学生须遵守宿舍管理制度;未经学校同意,不得在留学生宿舍留宿外人。
    第四条 禁止传播违反中国法律、法规、校规、校纪的信息;禁止非法张贴;禁止酗洒、赌博、打架、斗殴、聚众喧哗。
    第五条 学生使用校园网络,应遵循网络使用的有关规定,不得传播有害信息。
第六条 留学生严禁威胁、恐吓、欺负或以其它不正当手段报复他人,影响他人身心健康,扰乱学校正常秩序。
第七条 严禁在中国境内非法驾驶摩托车、汽车等机动车辆。
第四章 考勤、考试与纪律
第一条 留学生要按时参加教学计划规定和学校统一安排、组织的一切活动。学生上课、学习、活动等都应实行考勤。因故不能参加者,必须请假。凡未经请假、请假未获准或超过假期者,一律以旷课论处。对旷课留学生,根据旷课学时数多少,除按规定给予学籍处理外,视情节轻重及其认错态度,给予批评教育,直至纪律处分。
第二条 考勤以小节计算,由学习委员登记,班长核实签字,任课老师认可签字方能生效。
第三条 对于学校按教学计划规定和学校统一安排组织的一切活动,留学生无故不参加者,每一天按旷课6学时计。
第四条 请假必须提交书面申请,请假条交班主任审批,经班主任审批同意签字并登记后交学习委员登记考勤,请假条由学委保存,期末再将所有请假条一起上交班主任。
第五条 某门功课缺勤达1/2及以上者,取消该门功课期末考试资格并给予书面警告处分一次。不准补考 ,该们功课重修。累计3次警告将给予开除学籍处分,并立即注销签证。
第六条 某门功课缺勤达1/3者,经本人提交书面申请,经学校领导同意后,缴纳每门功课100人民币补考费,可以参加补考一次。成绩合格者,最多以60分计算。成绩不合格者,可申请第二次补考,同样需缴纳每门功课100人民币补考费。第二次考试仍不及格者,该门课程需重修,仍不及格者,予以留级、降级或退学处理。
第七条 学年因病因事请假总缺课量达1/3及以上者,给予休学处理,不同意休学者,予以退学处理。
第八条 因未交学费而取消期末考试资格者,不得补考,需同低年级学生一起听课重修,并同低年级学生一起参加考试。
   第九条 留学生必须严格遵守中国的法律、法令和政策。
第五章 处分
第一条 为维护正常的教学秩序和良好的学习、生活环境,建设文明校园,教育广大学生严于律己,遵纪守法,培养有理想、有文化、有纪律的高级人才,根据《高等教育法》以及《普通高等学校学生管理规定》、《高等学校学生行为准则》等文件精神,结合我校实际,制定本实施办法。对学生的任何处分,是学生在校期间表现的历史记载,任何人不得随意撤销。
第二条 违纪处分坚持公平、公开、公正的原则;坚持教育与处分相结合的原则;坚持学生的申诉保障权原则。
第三条 学生在校外参加教育实习、考察、社会实践等社会活动中发生违纪行为,参照本实施办法执行。
第四条 对留学生的处理,一般应在发现其违纪的学期内处理结束;考试期间的违纪应及时处理;对违纪留学生所作的处理,由学校出具书面处理决定,并交本人一份。
第五条 学生违反校纪校规,视情节轻重、认识态度和悔改表现,给予批评教育、通报批评或下列之一的纪律处分:1)警告;2)严重警告;3)记过;4)留校察看;5)开除学籍。
第六条 有下列情形之一者,可以酌情减轻处分:
第七条 有下列情形之一者,可以酌情从重处分:
(四) 屡次违反学校规定受到纪律处分,经教育不改的。
第八条 对学生的处分,应当做到程序正当、证据充分、依据明确、定性准确、处分适当。
第九条 学生违反国家法律、法规均属违反校纪,受到司法、公安部门的处罚,学校均应酌情给予校纪处分:
第十条 学生有下列情况之一,可以给予开除学籍处分:
第十一条 对赌博者,作如下处理:
第十二条 对打架斗殴者,作如下处理:
     1. 侮辱、殴打教师者;
2. 斗殴事件已结束,事后又报复者;
第十三条 校园内禁止起哄,影响公共秩序(如在寝室、教室、食堂等公共场所起哄或往窗外掷瓶罐等物,敲打脸盆,砸玻璃、破坏桌椅门窗等物、焚烧物品等)。无端起哄、肇事者,酌情给予警告、严重警告、记过、留校察看或开除学籍处分。
第十四条 禁止在校园内酗酒。违者酌情给予严重警告、记过或留校察看处分;酒后闹事者,加重一级处分。
第十五条 有不文明行为者,给予留校察看处分;情节恶劣者,给予开除学籍处分。
第十六条 在学校宿舍内留宿异性或在异性宿舍留宿者,酌情给予警告、严重警告或记过处分;行为及情节严重者,给予留校察看或开除学籍处分。
第十七条 收看、收听淫秽、迷信、邪教等书籍、报刊、音像制品者,酌情给予记过、留校察看或开除学籍处分;有传播、贩卖上述物品者,给予开除学籍处分。
第十八条 有吸毒行为者,给予开除学籍处分。
第十九条 进行非法传销活动者,视情节给予记过、留校察看或开除学籍处分。
第二十条 对有下列行为之一者,酌情给予警告、严重警告或记过处分:
第二十一条 因自身责任造成校内火警、火灾者,除赔偿由此引发的经济损失外,酌情给予留校察看或开除学籍处分。
第二十二条 对有偷窃行为者,酌情给予警告、严重警告或记过处分;在超市等社会场所偷窃者,酌情给予记过或留校察看处分,情节严重者或屡犯者给予留校察看或开除学籍处分。
第二十三条 在公共危机时期或突发事件中,不遵守学校规定者,给予记过或留校察看处分;造成严重后果者,给予开除学籍处分。
第二十四条 凡作伪证或制造假案者,酌情给予严重警告或记过处分;由此造成严重后果者,给予留校察看或开除学籍处分。
第二十五条 有本条例未列举的其他违纪行为、从事或参加其他有损大学生形象、有损社会公德的活动者,酌情给予警告、严重警告或记过处分,情节严重者给予留校察看或开除学籍处分。
第二十六条 受到警告、严重警告、记过或留校察看处分者,在处分期间有立功等优良表现者,经处分机构讨论可决定对其减轻或撤销处分;在校期间曾受过处分又违纪者,加重处分。
第二十七条 留校察看的期限为一年,自处分宣布之日起计算。学生在留校察看期间如有显著悔改表现,经处分机构讨论可提前解除对其察看;如在察看期间再次违纪,经有关部门讨论可给予开除学籍处分。
第二十八条 受到开除学籍处分的学生,由学校发给学习证明。学生按照学校规定在指定期限内离校。
第二十九条 对学生作出处分的程序如下:

第六章 宗教事务管理
(二)  外国人在中国境内可以根据自己的宗教信仰在依法登记的寺院、宫观、清真寺、教堂参加宗教活动。——《中华人民共和国境内外国人宗教活动管理规定实施细则》第五条(2000年9月26日国家宗教事务局令第1号)
(三) 境内外国人集体进行宗教活动要在由县级以上人民政府宗教事务部门认可的经依法登记的寺院、宫观、清真寺、教堂,或在由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府宗教事务部门指定的临时地点举行。 境内外国人在临时地点集体进行宗教活动时,应由县级以上人民政府宗教事务部门负责管理。——《中华人民共和国境内外国人宗教活动管理规定实施细则》第七条(2000年9月26日国家宗教事务局令第1号)
(四) 外国人不得在中国境内进行下列传教活动(第十七条):
1. 在中国公民中委任宗教教职人员;
2. 在中国公民中发展宗教教徒;
3. 擅自在宗教活动场所讲经、讲道;
4. 未经批准在依法登记的宗教活动场所以外的处所讲经、讲道,进行宗教聚会活动;
5. 在宗教活动临时地点举行有中国公民参加的宗教活动,被邀请主持宗教活动的中国宗教教职人员除外;
6. 制作或销售宗教书刊、宗教音像制品、宗教电子出版物等宗教用品;
7. 散发宗教宣传品;
8. 其他形式的传教活动。——《中华人民共和国境内外国人宗教活动管理规定实施细则》(2000年9月26日国家宗教事务局令第1号)
第七章 留学生公寓管理
第一节 留学生住房规定
第一条 在我校注册的留学生,须在我校留学生公寓居住。
第二条 留学生须按学校后勤处指定房间住宿。学期中如无特殊理由,不得随便更换房间。
第三条 在房间有空余的情况下,留学生报到时可选择房型,如果某种房型房源不足,留学生须服从后勤处的分配。
第四条 留学生入学时须一次性付清一学年的住宿费用并在办理入住手续时交纳200元人民币的房间物品押金,离校时退还押金。
第五条 留学生入住前需对房间配备的物品进行清点,并和宿舍管理人员提供的《留学生宿舍合同》进行对照(见附件四),二者相符后在《留学生宿舍合同》上签字。在使用过程中如有损坏或遗失需照价赔偿。
第六条 遵守学校的作息制度。留学生宿舍每晚23:00关门,留学生须在此时间前返回公寓。
第七条 留学生公寓内所分配锁匙只准本人使用,不得私配或转借他人。
第八条 留学生假期外出旅游或回国,不得将房间借给他人使用,不得利用留学生公寓从事违反中国法律和校规的活动。
第九条 留学生不得私自留宿他人或转让、转租自己的床位(房间)。
第二节  留学生用电用气的有关规定
第一条 学校为每个留学生每月提供20度免费电,超出部分需另付费用。电费须及时交纳,遗失电卡者需及时补办电卡。
第二条 严禁在房间内使用热得快、电烤炉、电暖器、大电扇等大功率电器,一经发现, 没收所用电器, 并按有关规定给予处罚。
第三条 留学生如需购买学校配备以外的家用电器,须向国际教育学院提出书面申请,得到批准后方能购买使用。
第四条 房间内电器或电路发生故障时,须报告国际教育学院,由留学生公寓楼派电工进行检修,严禁自行拆卸或修理。
第五条 房间内无人时,所有电器必须都断开电源,以免发生火灾。
第六条 禁止在留学生公寓内使用煤气罐,一经发现,立即没收, 并按有关规定给予处罚。
第七条 如因违反上述用电规定而造成火灾等事故,由责任人承担相应责任,并赔偿一切损失,严重者将由司法机关追究刑事责任。
第三节  会客制度
第四节  其它规定
第一条 遵守道德规范,养成文明习惯。保持宿舍楼内外整洁美观,一切日常用具要干净整齐有序,不得胡乱摆放物品。若有私人物品放在公共场所超过二日,管理员可作无主物品处理。保持盥洗室、浴室、厕所的清洁卫生。不在公共场所吸烟。不向楼外投弃任何物品。垃圾要倒在指定地方。留学生不得在公寓内饲养宠物。
第二条 下水道因卫生不清洁造成的堵塞由责任人承担其维修费用,如无法明确责任则由所住房间留学生平均分摊。
第三条 自觉爱护公共厨房的设施,定期打扫,保持公共厨房清洁卫生。
第四条 注意节约用水。
第五条 为了保护留学生的财产安全,留学生向宿舍管理员借用钥匙之前需致电班主任,确认学生身份,否则不予开门。
第六条 留学生需保持宿舍楼安静,严禁在宿舍楼内进行影响他人学习和休息的活动,如跳舞、大声说话、酗酒、大声放音乐等。一经发现,将没收其电脑或音箱。违反者还将受到国际教育学院与保卫处根据湖北文理学院留学生手册中的规定采取的相应处罚。
第七条 为了保护学生的人身安全,每晚23:00后严禁学生离开宿舍楼,如有紧急情况需要离开,需获得班主任的许可,并带好护照和学生证。严禁撬门离开宿舍或攀爬水管离开宿舍,违者将受到严肃处理,且由此产生的一切后果自负。
第八条 为了留学生和校园内其他人的健康与安全,保持校园干净整洁。严禁学生从窗户向外抛掷任何东西,违反者将受到严肃处理,且由此产生的一切后果自负。
第九条 不得损坏、拆卸、改装、搬迁宿舍楼及房间内的设备、物品,不得对房间内外进行涂抹,对违反者除责令恢复原状、照价赔偿外,并视情节给予相应处分。
第十条 凡使用留学生公寓计算机网络的留学生,须遵守校网络中心相关管理规定。(用户不得利用网络从事危害国家安全、泄露国家秘密的违法犯罪活动,不得制作、查阅、复制和传播有碍社会治安及社会公德的信息和淫秽色情信息。)同时,需要向校网络中心申请实名账号,以实名账号接入宿舍网,所产生费用以校网络中心颁布的相关收费规定为准。
第十一条 毕(结)业离校时或搬往其他住所时,应交回宿舍钥匙,押金退回。
第十二条 凡已失去我校学生资格者,应在规定的期限内离校,逾期学校不再提供住房,室内遗留物品,学校有权进行处理。
第十三条 以上留学生公寓管理规定须认真遵守,如有违反规定者,视情节轻重对其处以罚金或勒令退寝,造成恶劣影响者,国际教育学院上报校有关部门,对其进行勒令退学处罚。
第八章 其他有关管理规定与制度
第一节  学生请假制度
    第一条 留学生因事、因病不能参加学习,均须按规定办理请假手续。请假期满,应办理销假或续假手续。
    第二条 留学生请假(包括病、事假),由国际教育学院批准。除办理休学手续的学生外,学生一学期请短期事、病假累计不得超过学期总学时的十分之一。
    第三条 留学生因病请假,需持学校指定医院的诊断书办理手续;留学生因事请假,须由本人亲自提出书面申清,并附有必要的证明,不得找人代为请假。凡请病假一周以上或节假日前后及考试期间的病假诊断书须经主治医生签字生效。
    第四条 在上课时间,留学生因病不能坚持上课,需由任课教师准假,并报国际教育学院备案。
    第五条 留学生因急病、特殊急事须紧急离校时,必须经国际教育学院批准,并办理请假手续。
    第六条 留学生请假期满,应在国际教育学院销假,否则以旷课论处。
    第七条 留学生请假期满,因故仍不能返校上课者,病假须递交医院的诊断书;事假须提前向国际教育学院提出申请,办理续假手续。
    第八条 留学生在考试期间,一般不得请假。因特殊原因须请假者,本人提出申请,由国际教育学院批准,办理缓考手续。
    第九条 凡不办理请假、续假手续或请假未经批准而擅自离校者,均按旷课论处,视其情节给予批评教育或纪律处分。
    第十条 留学生事后补假者均以旷课论处。
    第十一条 留学生短期病假应在学校疗养,原则上不准离校。
    第十二条 任课教师在授课前要查清留学生出勤人数、旷课人数及请假人数,于每周五汇总送交国际教育学院。
    第十三条 留学生各班级设有点名册。在课前由班(组)长记载本班(组)学生出、缺席情况,迟到10分钟以上者,按旷课论处。并于每周五由班长将点名册交国际教育学院统计,并与任课教师的统计进行核对。
第二节  学生证卡管理制度
    第一条 留学生证卡为校内学生身份证明,用于报到注册、查阅成绩、考试证件等。
    第二条 留学生证卡限本人使用,应随身携带,妥善保管。如有遗失应及时向国际教育学院挂失并缴纳费用补办新卡。留学生离校时由国际教育学院负责收回。
    第三条 学籍变动的留学生需重新制卡,原卡交回国际教育学院。
    第四条 留学生证卡制作与发放由学校教务处负责,一般在新生入学后2周内完成。
第三节  考场规则
    第一条 考生必须严格按照国际教育学院指定的考室、编号顺序,对号入座,不得无故缺考。如有特殊情况不能参加考试者,需书面递交申请,经国际教育学院领导批示后方可申请缓考,缓考时间同下个学期补考时间一致。如有无故缺考者,期末考试成绩记零分,需书面检讨后重修该门课程。
    第二条 留学生考试必须携带学生证/卡,以证明学生身份,特殊情况可由学校国际教育学院开具证明信,否则取消其考试资格。
    第三条 学生参加考试时,除自带钢笔、铅笔、尺及橡皮外,不得携带任何书籍、笔记本、通讯工具等进入考场,否则以舞弊论处。
    第四条 迟到三十分钟者不得进入考场,以缺考处理。考试三十分钟后方准交卷,交卷后必需离开考场大楼。
    第五条 学生答题前应先将本人班次、学号、姓名写在试卷上规定的地方,否则试卷无效,零分处理。答题时,需用蓝色或黑色钢笔或圆珠笔作答,不能用铅笔或红色的笔,要求字迹清楚。
    第六条 考试期间,学生有事应该举手向监考老师报告,不得擅自离开座位或与其他同学交头接耳、不准抄袭,传递纸条、不准协助他人舞弊。擅自离开座位者,监考老师有权没收试卷,拒不交试卷者,零分处理;与其他同学交头接耳、抄袭、协助他人舞弊者,监考老师有权提出警告,2次警告后仍不遵守规定者,监考老师有权没收试卷,拒不交试卷者,零分处理。由两名及以上教师认定考生违纪并签字,即可定性。
    第七条 考试结束时,考生应立即停止答题,试卷及答卷不得带出考场。拒不交试卷者,零分处理。交卷后应立即离开考场,不准在考场附近逗留或吵闹。
    第八条 考生必须服从监考人员指挥,不得以任何借口干扰监考老师的正常工作。如有对监考老师不敬者,视情节的严重性给予书面警告、严重警告、留校查看甚至开除学籍的处分。
第四节  教室规则
第一条 全校所有教室应严格按照课程表所指定时间使用。不经教学管理部门允许,任何班级和个人不得随意串动和占用。
    第二条 留学生应准时上课,提前五分钟进人教室,不得迟到、早退,不得无故离开教室。迟到者应向任课教师讲明原因,经任课教师允许方准人内。
    第三条 上课或自习时,留学生的服装应整洁,不得穿背心、拖鞋进教室。
    第四条 上课时留学生应专心听讲。教师提问应起立回答。留学生提问时,应先举手,待教师同意后,再起立发问。下课时,留学生有秩序地离开教室。
第五条 要保持教室肃静,不准在教室内喧哗、打闹或吸烟。
    第六条 要爱护教室内一切教学设备,不得私自移动,不得用笔或刀在桌面上涂写或刻画。保持教室卫生,不得随意乱丢果皮纸屑,不准随地吐痰。留学生要主动清理周围和课桌内的杂物。
    第七条 不准用任何物品为自己或他人“占座”,影响其他同学使用。
    第八条 注意节约用电,下课及自习结束,自觉关闭电源。
第五节  实验室规则
    第一条 留学生在进入实验室前要先戴好白帽子、穿好白大褂,有秩序地进入实验窒,不迟到,不早退,不得中途离开实验室。
    第二条 实验前,检查实验仪器,在教师指导下进行实验操作,要严肃认真地遵守操作规程。
    第三条 进实验室不得携带椅垫,禁止吃零食和吸烟。
    第四条 必须爱护各种实验仪器和标本模型,禁止将实验药品、仪器等带出实验室。不慎损坏实验用品应及时报告教师,按有关规定赔偿。
    第五条 实验时必须注意安全,注意节约。实验完毕后应把仪器、标本、药品放回指定位置。实验用过的废弃物(特别是有毒、有腐蚀性的废弃物)应倾倒在指定地点,不得随意丢弃。
    第六条 实验结束后,搞好室内卫生,关好水、电、气等开关,然后离开实验室。
第六节  学生阅览室规则
    第一条 进入图书馆应主动出示本人校园卡。
    第二条 爱护阅览室的书籍。所借阅的书刊,阅后请放回原处,严禁私自撕毁、涂改、刻画、污染书籍。丢失、损坏书籍要按规定赔偿。
    第三条 保持室内清洁、肃静,不得在室内大声谈笑,禁止随地吐痰,扔废纸,不准在室内吃零食,严禁在室内吸烟。
    第四条 爱护桌椅,不得在桌椅上刻画乱写。不得损坏照明设施。
    第五条 不得占座。
第六条 严格遵守图书馆各项制度。
第七节  学生图书借阅制度
    第一条 本馆实行开架借阅方式,读者凭校园卡进入开架书库自行取书,然后到借阅台办理借阅手续,阅后不借的图书应放到原位插好,严禁横放、乱放和弃之不管。
第二条 图书馆所藏图书一律凭校园卡借阅。学生最多可借20册/次,借期为10个月。续借一次,借期为1个月。到期必须归还,超期罚款0.10元/天册。
第三条 校园卡只限本人使用,不得转借他人;若转借他人,一经发现扣留该校园卡。
第四条 读者校园卡丢失后,持本人有效证件到校园卡服务中心办理挂失手续。挂失前该卡及所借图书由本人负责。补办前若找回校园卡,可到校园卡服务中心办理解挂手续。
第五条 读者遗失图书应在规定还书日前赔偿与所借图书同种同版本或升级版的同名图书。否则按图书价格赔偿(赔书或赔款),并交纳10元图书加工费。超过还书日期办理赔偿手续的,还应按规定交纳超期款。
第六条 读者损毁图书一律按图书馆处罚条例处理。
第七条 读者偷盗书刊,一经发现将处以十倍原书价的罚款,并报学院给予处分。
第八条 读者离校时,必须还清所借图书和欠款后,方可签署离校通知单图书馆的签章。
第八节  学生安全管理制度
第一条 留学生入学时须如实填写家庭信息,便于学校在紧急情况下与其家长取得联系。
第二条 为了让留学生更快地熟悉中国的法律法规以及学校的规章制度和环境,并让学生更加明确学习目标,留学生需参加新生入学教育大会,学习《新生知情书》和《留学生安全责任书》(详见附件五、附件六)。
第三条 辅导员老师每两周召开一次主题班会,每位留学生都必须参加。
第九节  学生购买保险的规定
第十节  留学生住宿登记规定
第二条 到我校住宿的留学生,必须于抵达后二十四小时内,由外事办公室老师陪同其到襄城区隆中派出所警务室办理临时住宿登记手续(免费),登记者必须为本人。
第三条 长期在我校居住的留学生离开襄阳在其他地方住宿或离境后返回常驻地,必须向班主任汇报,也应该按以上规定申报住宿登记。
第四条 外国人在中国境内旅馆住宿的,旅馆应当按照旅馆业治安管理的有关规定为其办理住宿登记,并向所在地公安机关报送外国人住宿登记信息,留学生应配合宾馆完成登记;
    第六条 进行住宿登记时需携带本人护照以及2张2寸的白底正面免冠照。
  第七条 公安机关对逾期未能办理者处以每天500元以上罚款,由此产生的任何法律和经济责任由留学生本人承担。
  第八条 因违反住宿登记规定受到公安部门处罚的学生将受到学校处分,违反住宿登记规定一次,学校处以警告处分。违反住宿登记规定两次,学校处以严重警告处分。违反住宿规定三次,学校予以开除处分。
第九条 在校学习期间一律在学校留学生楼或指定的宿舍居住,未经允许不得搬至校外住宿,违者按非法居留论处。
第十条 留学生务必认真、仔细、诚实地填写假期去向动态表,离开和返回襄阳均需向辅导员如实汇报。若因虚报、错报或者未报假期动态而造成的一切后果由学生自己负责。
第十一节  留学生出入境及居留许可办理规定
第一条留学生来华时必须持有普通护照,并持学习(X1) 或(X2)签证入境来校报到。
第二条持“X”字签证入境到校报到后,须到学校外事办公室填写《签证、居留证申请表》,持(X1)签证者在入境后三十日内/ 持(X2)签证者在入境后有效期内凭本人有效护照、《JW202 表》原件、入学通知书、学校公函、湖北出入境检验检疫局的健康证明、临时住宿登记表、本人1张近期正面免冠白底照片及填写好的《签证、居留证申请表》到襄阳市公安局出入境管理处办理不能低于6个月的居留许可手续。逾期申请办理者,将处以罚款。
第七条  学习类居留证件的有效期最短为180日,最长为5年。申请办理居留证件前,留学生应检查护照是否在有效期内。留学生应在护照有效期前180天更新护照。
    第九条 留学生学习结束离开中国,凭本人有效护照并在签证或居留证的有效期内出境。如因故不按期出境,需提出申请,经学校和出入境管理部门批准办理签证或停留签证。出境不再返回的留学生,出境时居留证由边防检查站收回。
    第十条 各项签证、证件不得私自涂改、损坏,违者将受到处罚。外国人居留证应妥善保管,如有遗失须及时按规定登报声明作废,同时另行申请补领。
第十二条学校原则上不邀请留学生家属来校伴读,如情况特殊,学生家属可凭该生在湖北文理学院在读证明,向中国驻外使(领)馆申请“L”字签证来华伴读。家属来校后,至襄阳市公安局出入境管理处办理“L” 签证延长或居留许可证件,时间不得超过学生居留证上的停留期。
Rules and Regulations for Foreign Studentsof Hubei University of Arts and Science
1.1  In order to maintain a good university teaching and life order, to protect foreign students’ physical and mental heath and their legitimate right, and to ensure they can successfully complete their education, Hubei University of Arts and Science has established Rules for International Studentsaccording toEducation Law of the People’s Republic of China, Higher Education Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaandRegulations on the administration of foreign students in Colleges and Universities.
1.2  According to Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, relevant laws and nationally related stipulations and based on the reality of the university, the university (HBUAS) perfects management system, regulates management behavior, legally maintains the university (HBUAS) in a normal running order, improves the quality of education and teaching, and protects foreign students’ legitimate rights and educational interests.
1.3  While enrolled at HBUAS, foreign students have to abide by Constitutionof the People's Republic of China, Chinese laws and regulations, and the university’s regulations to raise good moral character, to cultivate civilized prevailing custom, and to develop a good psychological quality and physical quality. They should study diligently, strive for realism and innovation, and try to master modern scientific knowledge and professional skills.
1.4  The rules apply to all foreign students.
2.1.1The new student must enroll on time. The enrolling student is instructed to have his/her admission letter, JW202 form and other relevant documents required by the university and should pay the tuition fee, insurance fee, and other related fees within the first week of arrival. Then the student will be allowed to enroll at HBUAS and handle residence permit. If the foreign student fails to pay his/her fees on time or arrives at the university late by more than one week without contacting the International Education Institute, the foreign student shall not be allowed to enroll. For detailed stipulations on charge of fee refer to Attachment 1 Fees Rules for International Students at Hubei University of Arts and Science.
2.1.2During new students’ enrollment, the university (HBUAS) will carry out the physical examination according to the national physical examination standard. If the enrolling student does not take their physical examination required by the university, they will be disqualified for enrollment in the university. If any sickness that can be cure in a short term is found, the student shall fill in an application form if he/she wants to return to his/her country for treatment. After the application is approved by the university, the university will retain the student’s qualification for one academic year. During the treatment period, he/she will not have the rights as enrolled students. The retained student should submit the requested medical records to the university before the next academic year starts, and his/her study duration will be counted from the next academic year. If the medical records of the retained student are not satisfactory, or the student is late to go through the enrollment procedure by more than one week, he/she will not be allowed to enroll.
2.1.3The new student who submits the qualified physical certificate will be allowed to register.
2.1.4If any students who enters this university using false information or with some ineligible certificate, the university will deal with the situation accordingly and will give corresponding punishment, including canceling the registration.
2.1.5New students register procedure
(a) New students should go through qualification examination in International Education Institute by presenting their letters of admission, JW 202 form and other relevant documents required by the university. The students should pay off tuition fee, accommodation fee, insurance fee and other relevant fee after qualification examination. The students shall be allowed to register only after they have paid off the entire fee. After registration, students should truthfully fill inFamily Information Form for Foreign Students, sign Dormitory contract between Hubei University of Arts and Science and Foreign Students, take dorm room keys and Rules for International Students, and hand in 8 2-inch white-background bareheaded paper photos and 1 digital photo.
(b) Students should scan theirhigh school report card, high school diploma, passport, and other relevant certificate in Office of International Education Institute and go for temporary accommodation registration in local police station within 24 hours after their arrival.
(c) Students can obtain class schedule in Teaching Administration Office of International Education Institute.
2.1.6Student records
(a) The student records are permanent and protected by the university. It is the archival data, recording students’ basic information in the university. Students’ records are divided into two categories. One is computerized, and the other is written.
       (b) The written student records form must be filled in clearly in blue or black ink pen. And students should make sure the information is true and accurate.
       (c) A specially assigned person from International Education Institute will keep student records and undertake the task of changing student records and filling in academic achievement. If any student record has to be rewritten, the specially assigned person must sign and stamp on the written student record.
       (d) When the student graduates, the school register form will be handed over to the student records office of the university.
2.1.7Student ID card
    Student ID card contains student’s personal information, and it is a valid certificate for foreign students in the university. And it must be registered at the beginning of each session. It is considered as university property and must be returned when the student finishes his/her study. The ID card is very important and must be safely kept. The student who loses his/her ID card shall report to the International Education Institute as soon as possible and pay 50RMB before a new ID card can be issued.
2.1.8When each semester begins, the student must arrive at the university on time, pay the related fees, and go through registration procedure for the new semester. If the student can not arrive on time for any reasons and does not ask for a leave in advance, the student will be recorded as absent.According to relevant stipulation of the Chinese Ministry of Education, electronic registration is implemented. When foreign students graduate, the university will provide graduates’ name, sex, date of birth, major, time of enrollment, and other electronic information required by Chinese Ministry of Education and student record.
    2.2.1The university generally does not allow students to change their initial major in order to make sure the stability of training of professional talents and to make rational use of educational resource.
    2.2.2In principle, the university does not agree to handle transfers to other universities.
    2.3.1Any of the following factors will be granted as suspension.
       (a) The student who is found any serious illness by the appointed hospital of HBUAS and needs treatment or restoring for more than 1/3 of class hours in one semester.
(b) The student who asks for business leave, which accounts for more than 1/3 of class hours in one semester.
       (c) Student who has financial problems that affect his/her ability to study properly in HBUAS.
   2.3.2The foreign student requesting suspension of schooling must hand in a written application with medical records from the hospital. Then the decision of allowing the student to leave will be made by HBUAS. The duration of the suspension will be for one academic year MAXIMUM.
    2.3.3If the student asks for a sick leave to return to his/her country, he or she shall cover the entire medical and travel expenses during the suspension.
    2.3.4 After temporary sick leave, the student must request his/her return to the university. They should register at International Education Institute by submitting a written application and the certificate for suspension of schooling.The student must be given a physical examination by the appointed hospital of the university.Once the examination has been passed, the director of International Education Institute will issue a certificate for resumption of schooling, and his/her status as a student will be registered in next grade. The study duration will also be accordingly extended. For the suspended student, if any illegal behavior is found during the suspension of schooling, the university will immediately cancel his/her qualification of resumption.
    2.3.5During the suspension of schooling, student shall not apply for any other university.Otherwise, the university will cancel his/her qualification for admission and resumption.
    2.4.1All students are required to attend exams of the courses included in the academic schedule. The university will decide for students’ retardation, degradation and graduation according to result of each exam.
    2.4.2Final Exams will be carried out after completion of each subject. Forms of exam include written tests, viva and usual performance (small tests & attendance). Total score of exam is 100, and 60 marks or more is considered as passing. Duration of written tests will be 1.5-2 hours. And usual performance (attendance & small tests, if any) accounts for approximately 30%of the final score of the subject, and final test 70%.
2.4.3During the whole studying period in the university, Chinese is issued as a compulsory course, and students are required to pass corresponding HSK tests.
2.4.4The student who is absent (including asking for leave) from class for more than one third of the total class hours of a subject is not permitted to attend the final exam; the score of this subject will be marked as zero. As a consequence, the student needs to write an application for taking a supplementary exam. After approval of the university, he/she can have one chance to take the supplementary exam. If he/she passes the exam, the score will be recorded as 60.
2.4.5Graduation exams covering (clinical) skills test, (medical) theory test as well as Chinese language ability test will be organized by the university after completion of one-year internship. Those who pass it will be granted the diploma.
    2.4.6Students are not permitted to inquire about the final exam paper at their will. If any student has doubts about the result and would like to challenge for paper rechecking, he/she should hand in a written form of application to International Education Institute within one week after the release of the results. After the application is approved by International Education Institute, it will issue a paper rechecking with coordination of academic affairs office, head of teaching and research section, and teacher for correcting. Rechecking result will be reported to the International Education Institute, and the student will also be notified.
    2.4.7Students should strictly abide by approval procedure leave for final exams. No unexcused absence is allowed in the final exam, except for illness or other unavoidable incidents. Application for exam postponement must be submitted to International Education Institute prior to exams and be approved by Director of International Education Institute. 
2.4.8The student who is absent from exam without postponement approved will be marked zero on the subject and should go for supplementary test directly. Meanwhile, penalty will be given accordingly.
     2.4.9The student must take the student identification card to the testing room. Those who can’t present his/her ID need an approval letter for his/her identity from International Education Institute. Otherwise, his/her qualification for exam will be canceled.
2.5.1The student who fails the supplementary exams more than three courses will not be permitted to advance to the next grade, and will be degraded.
    2.5.2The student who fails to go up to next grade must pay the required tuition fees, insurance expense, and other related expenses.
    2.6.1The student who has one of the following situations must quit school or be expelled from school after verification by International Education Institute and authorization by the president:
    (a) The student who fails to advance to the next year of study more than two times during the course of study.
    (b) The suspended period accumulates more than two years.
    (c) The student who does not return to school after the suspension expires.
    (d) After suspension, the students who is not permitted to return to school after the review of the university.
    (e) The student who asks for a leave for more than l/3 of the total class periods and does not agree to apply for a suspension.
(f) The student who is diagnosed by hospital of mental illness or infectious pulmonary tuberculosis etc.
(g) The student who has accidental disability cannot continue study.
    (h) The student applies to leave school and can’t be convinced to remain at school.
    (i) Absence, including experiments practice and graduation field work, accumulates more than 1/3 of the total class periods in one academic year.  
(j) The student who receives three warnings or gets the above disciplinary punishments, seriously violate rules of exams, or cheat without admitting it.
(k) The student who does not pay all school expenses and other relevant fees on time.
    3.6.2The university shall report to the Provincial Education Department to file on record about the student who quits school or who is expelled from the school.
2.7.1The school will give the student a comprehensive appraisal in written personal files according to his/her moral character, learning, and health condition when the student graduates from school.
2.7.2If the student performs well in moral, intellectual and physical education and passes all curriculum of teaching program, the university will award the diploma.
2.7.3Certificate of Completion and Diploma
(a) Upon completion of the school year’s curriculum, the student will be given the Certificate of Completion according to the following situation:
·Fail in exams after the student retakes the course;
·. Failed in graduation theory exams or (clinical) skills test;
·. Breach of discipline, (medical) ethics corruption or being responsible for an accident;
· Violation of the rules of examinations twice;
·Academic probation which has not been rescinded;
·The student who has not obtained the certificate of HSK 4.
(b)For the student who failed the exams can obtain diploma if the student passes the make-up examinations within 6 months after graduation.
(c)The graduation date documented as the date of graduation.
2.7.4If the student passes the study curriculum courses and performs well in moral, intellectual and physical education, the university will award the diploma and the bachelor degree.
2.7.5For handing procedures of graduation formalities and precautions for leaving the university refer to Attachment 2 An Information Letter to Foreign Students on Graduation and Leaving the University.
3.1  The foreign student must observe the campus regulations, protect the public facilities, maintain the campus normal order;he/she must also have good manners, respect teachers' and staff’s work, unite students, concern for the collective, love manual labor, and create a tidy and beautiful environment for living and learning.
3.2  The library, the reading rooms, the classrooms, the laboratories, the dormitories, and all other school properties are for students’ studying and living. They are public properties, and the student has the responsibility to respectfully use and protect them all. If the student damages these public properties, the student shall pay compensation for damage caused.
3.3  The student must obey all dormitory regulations. Other persons are not permitted to stay overnight in the foreign students dormitory without advance authorization.
3.4 Any distribution of information that is in violation of Chinese laws and regulations or the regulations of the university, will result in disciplinary action. Advertisements are prohibited to be post illegally. Excessive alcoholic drinking, gambling, fighting, and public disturbances are also prohibited. Violations of these regulations will result in disciplinary action.
3.5  Students should follow the rules and regulations about the use of the Internet in China and are not permitted to download harmful information when they are using the campus network.
  • 6  Foreign students are forbidden to threaten, intimidate, or fool others so as to revenge on others, to affect others’ physical and psychological health, or to disturb the normal order of the university.
  • 7  Foreign students should comply with local traffic laws, and they are prohibited to illegally drive motorcycles, cars and other motor vehicles.
4.1Foreign students must participate in all the activities according to their class schedule and all other activities required by the university.Students are also expected to be on time for all classes.Students should not be absent without written permission for absence due to urgent business or sickness.Students who miss multiple classes may face the following penalties according to the seriousness of the case: education by criticism or disciplinary punishment.
4.  2The attendance rate will be measured by section. And it should be recorded by the study monitor, checked and signed by the monitor, and then it may take effect only after it is signed by the teacher.
4.3 All foreign students must participate in all the activities organized by school.Being absent from extracurricular activities without permission will be considered as absence of six classes.
4.  4The student who asks for leave must submit a paper application which should be agreed and signed by class director. The study monitor records the attendance rate and saves the application. At the end of term, the study monitor hands in all applications to class director.
4.  5The student who is absent (including asking for leave) for more than 1/2 classes of any subject for any reason in a semester will not be allowed to attend the final examination and get a written warning punishment. And supplementary exam will not be permitted. Besides, this course must be retaken with junior students. When the warnings add up to 3 times, the student will be dismissed, and his/her visa will be cancelled immediately.
4.  6The student whose absence (including asking for leave) is up to 1/3 classes of any subject must submit a paper application and he/she should submit 100 Yuan for the make-up examination after school leader’ approval. If the student passed the exam, calculate the score into 60 points. If failed, the student must pay for 100 Yuan again for another make-up examination per course. The course should be retaken. If the student failed the examination again, the student will not be permitted to advance to the next grade, and will be degraded..
4.  7The student who asks for leave up to 1/3 of all classes in a whole academic year would be regarded as suspension by university; the one who disagrees with it will be expelled from school.
4.  8Supplementary exam is not allowed if the student’s qualification to take final exams is cancelled because he/she has not paid the tuition fee. To retake the course and the student should take the final exam with junior students.
4.9Foreign students should abide by the laws and statutes of the Peoples Republic of China and rules and regulations of Hubei University of Arts and Science.
5.1. Based on the actual situation of Hubei University of Arts and Science, the following disciplinary regulations have been instituted in conformity with such documentations as Higher Education Law of the People’s Republic of China, Provisions on the Administration of University Studentswell as Students Codes of Conduct of Institutions of Higher Learningin an attempt to preserve a normal teaching order, create a comfortable learning and living environment, nurture a strong sense of self-discipline, and cultivate law-abiding and well-educated talented professionals with extraordinary ambition. Any penalty record can not be willfully withdrawn as it stands for important university performance.
5. 2Disciplinary regulations combined with moral instruction should be implemented on the basis of equality, transparency and impartiality. Rights for students to appeal against imposition of penalty should be reserved.
5. 3Students who violate rules in social activities outside the university will be punished according to these penalty regulations.
5. 4Hubei University of Arts and Science will notify the students of any punishments within one semester. And violation of test regulations should be processed immediately. The university will issue the written form of decision and give one copy to the student himself or herself.
5. 5 Failure to observe university codes, rules or regulations will subject students to the following penalties besides criticism or public criticism according to circumstances, students’ attitude and performance: 1) Warning; 2) Severe Warning; 3) Recording penalty in the student file; 4) Probation; 5) Expulsion.
5. 6 Penalties to students can be lightened under the following circumstances:
(a) Being guilty of criminal offenses yet confirmed to have delivered himself/herself to the police.
    (b) Voluntarily disclosing criminal offenses or misconducts committed by others which are verified true.
    (c) Voluntarily confessing misconducts and displaying guilty conscience and repentance
5. 7Penalties to students can be strengthened under the following circumstances:
(a) Displaying a strong reluctance or even refusing to confess misconducts.
(b) Deliberately creating obstacles in the process of investigation.
(c) Threatening, intimidating or retaliating upon the witnesses and administrative personnel.
(d) Repeatedly violating the regulations of Hubei University of Arts and Science and receiving penalties but refusing to correct his/her wrongdoings.
5. 8 University authorities implement disciplinary regulations on the basis of justified procedure, valid and sufficient evidence, accurate eva luation and appropriate punishment.
5. 9 Failure to abide by national laws and regulations also means the breach of university rules; therefore, penalties shall be imposed by Hubei University of Arts and Science.
(a) Students under police control, held in captivity or subject to jail sentence will be expelled from university.
    (b) Students detained by the police, under probation or controlled by other compulsive police measures will be kept under supervision by the university authority and will receive probation or expulsion form the university in light of circumstances.
    (c) Students under administrative detainment in compliance with the disciplinary regulations of public security will receive warning, severe warning, recording penalty in the student file, probation or expulsion from the university in light of circumstances.
    (d) Students punished with warnings or fines from the police will also receive warnings or severe warnings, recording penalty in the student file, or probation from the university authority in light of circumstances.
5. 10Students will be expelled from university if their misconducts fit the following descriptions:
    (a) Violating the Constitution and opposing Chinese socialist system, disturbing social harmony, and disrupting social order.
    (b) Getting into trouble with the national law and committing criminal offences.
    (c) Aggressively defying regulations of social security and bringing out severe consequences.
    (d) Asking others to taking test for them, taking a test for another student, organizing cheating, using any communication device for cheating, and other severe cheating.
    (e) Plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty with serious consequences.
    (f) Acting against the regulations of Hubei University of Arts and Science, severely disrupting the teaching and living order or damaging the legal interests of other groups or individuals, thus bringing about grave consequences.
    (g) Repeatedly violating the regulations of Hubei University of Arts and Science but refusing to correct his/her wrongdoings.
5. 11 Penalty Measures are as follows for gambling:
(a) Students confirmed to try gambling for the first time will receive severe warning, recording penalty in the student files or probation by the university authority in light of circumstances.
    (b) Students who try gambling several times will be kept under supervision or expelled by the university authority in light of circumstances.
    (c) Students who encourage gambling practices will receive severe warning, recording penalty in the student files, probation, or expulsion from the university authority in light of circumstances.
    (d) Students who plan out or organize any gambling practices will receive probation or expulsion from the university authority in light of circumstances.
5. 12 Penalty Measures are as follows for fighting:
(a) Students who instigate fighting or plan out group fighting and bring about certain consequences will find the penalty recorded in personal files or their behavior will be kept under supervision by the university authority to see if expulsion is necessary; if grave consequences occur, students will be expelled from university.
    (b) Students who initiate fist fighting but fail to cause any injury to the victims will receive severe warning or recording penalty in the student files.
    (c) Students who initiate fist fighting and cause minor injury to the victims will be kept under supervision by the university authority or directly be expelled from university in light of circumstances.
    (d) Students who initiate fist fighting and cause severe injury to the victims will be directly expelled from university.
    (e) Students who take the side with one party under the pretext of “mediation” only to aggravate the situation and to cause certain consequences will receive severe warning or find the penalty recorded in personal files. If grave consequences occur, students will be expelled from university.
    (f) Students who commit perjury, thus increasing difficulty in the process of investigation will receive severe warning, recording penalty in the student files, or probation from the university authority in light of circumstances.
    (g) Students will be severely punished if their misconducts fit the following descriptions:
    (1) Insulting or even beating teachers.
    (2) Seeking revenge after fighting is settled.
    (h) Students who deliberately provide people involved in the fighting with lethal weapons yet fail to cause undesirable consequences will find the penalty recorded in personal files, or behavior will be kept under supervision by the university authority in light of circumstances. If grave consequences occur, students will be directly expelled from university.
5. 13 Any attempts to kick up a row or disturb public order are prohibited (including kicking up a row in dormitory, class room, student canteen, throwing bottles, beating wash basin, crashing glass, damaging desks, chairs or doors, or burning things ). Students who kick up a row for no particular reasons will receive warning, severe warning, recording penalty in student files, probation, or expulsion form the university authority in light of circumstances.
5. 14 Alcoholism is prohibited on campus. Violators will receive severe warning or be kept under supervision by the university authority to see if expulsion is necessary. If alcoholism leads to grave consequences such as violent conflicts, students concerned will be subject to stiffer penalty.
5. 15Students who commit rascality will be kept under supervision by the university authority to see if expulsion is necessary. If notorious consequences occur, they will be directly expelled from university.
5. 16Students who accommodate the opposite sex in their dormitory or stay over in the dormitory of the opposite sex will receive warning, severe warning, or find the penalty recorded in personal files. If notorious consequences occur, they will be kept under supervision by the university authority or directly be expelled from university in light of circumstances.
5. 17 Students who read books and magazines or watch video clips that contain obscene or superstitious expressions will find the penalty recorded in personal files or their behavior will be kept under supervision by the university authority in light of circumstances. Students who distribute or sell the above-mentioned articles will be expelled from university.
5. 18 Students found to be involved in drug abuse will be expelled from university.
5. 19Students found to be involved in illegal pyramid selling will find the penalty recorded in personal files or their behavior will be kept under supervision by the university authority in light of circumstances.
5. 20Students who commit the following offences will receive warning, severe warning or recording penalty in student files in light of circumstances:
(a) Deliberately dismantling public facilities or destroying public properties if the violation is serious.
    (b) Willfully tearing up books in the university library if the violation is serious.
    (c) Secretly using electric heating appliances, such as electric stove, electric cup, electric bar, electric blanket, electric food warmer, kerosene stove, spirit stove, or candles; pulling electrical wire secretly. If any of the above electric heating appliances are found, they will be confiscated and receive penalty accordingly.
    (d) Being engaged in activities for monetary purposes in the name of the individual or student organizations and bringing about severe consequences.
    (e) Secretly accommodating people who is not a member of the dormitory or who is from outside Hubei University of Arts and Science if the violation is serious.
    (f) Refusing to abide by regulations of Hubei University of Arts and Science and maliciously making trouble.
5. 21 Students whose irresponsible or careless behavior brings out fire alarm or even fire will compensate for the economic loss involved. Meanwhile, they will be kept under supervision by the university authority or directly be expelled from university in light of circumstances.
 5. 22 Students guilty of theft will receive warning, severe warning, or recording penalty in student file. If caught stealing in public areas like supermarket, students will find the penalty recorded in personal files, or their behavior will be kept under supervision by the university authority to see if expulsion is necessary. If grave consequences occur, students will be kept under supervision by the university authority or directly be expelled from university in light of circumstances.
5. 23 Students who fail to abide by regulations of Hubei University of Arts and Science in times of public crisis or in cases of emergency will find penalty recorded in personal files, or their behavior will be kept under supervision by the university authority. If grave consequences occur, students will be expelled from university in light of circumstances.
5. 24 Students who commit perjury or knowingly falsify legal case will receive severe warning or find the penalty recorded in personal files. If grave consequences occur, students will be kept under supervision by the university authority or be expelled from university.
5. 25 Apart from what is mentioned above, students guilty of other misconducts that tarnish the reputation of university or challenge social morality will receive warning, severe warning, or recording penalty in student files. If grave consequences occur, students will be kept under supervision by the university authority or directly be expelled from university in light of circumstances.
5. 26If students subject to the above-mentioned penalties behave well or decently, penalties can be lightened or even withdrawn with the approval of disciplined organization; if students subject to the above-mentioned penalties violate regulations again, they will be punished more severely.
5. 27 The duration of probation (Students be kept under supervision by the university authority to see if expulsion is necessary) will be one year, and during that period, the penalty can be withdrawn if students exhibit repentance after the discussion and approval of the disciplinary organization. However, students will be expelled from university if they violate regulations once again.
5. 28University authorities will issue certificates confirming their learning experience to students expelled, and students are supposed to leave university before the deadline required by Hubei University of Arts and Science.
5. 29 The procedure to implement penalty measures is as follows:
(a) Penalty measures should be implemented on the basis of justified procedure, valid and sufficient evidence, accurate eva luation and appropriate punishment.
    (b) Students or their representatives should attend all disciplinary hearings and file appeals before being subject to penalties.
    (c) A written penalty notice should be handed to students concerned with; another copy should be submitted to the Education Committee of Hubei Province.
    (d) The written penalty notice should include the penalty, penalty fact, and reasons to impose such a penalty. Students should be informed with the right to file an appeal and the period of appeal.
    (e) Students dissatisfied with penalty measures may submit a written appeal to the International Education Institute within five days after the date disciplinary actions take effect.

6. 1 According to Provincial Education Department, Provincial Public Security Bureau, Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, Religious Affairs Bureau, and relevant departments’ instruction on prohibiting students conducting any kind of religious activities on campus, foreign students should carefully study Rules for the Implementation of the Provisions on the Administration of Religious Activities of Foreigners within the Territory of the People's Republic of China( Order of State Administration for Religious Affairs of the People’s Republic of China No.1 issued on September 26, 2000) and Regulations on Higher Education Institutions Accepting Foreign Students( Order of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China No.9 issued on January 31, 2000) and other relevant Chinese lawsso as to create a harmonious campus.
6.1.1 Article 33 The customs and religious beliefs of foreign students shall be respected by Chinese Higher Education Institutions, but Chinese Higher Education Institutions shall not provide foreigners with sites for their religious ceremonies. The religious missions and gatherings on campus are strictly prohibited. —Regulations on Higher Education Institutions Accepting Foreign Students ( Order of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China No.9 issued on January 31, 2000)
6.1.2Article 5 In accordance with their own religious beliefs, foreigners may participate in religious activities in registered monasteries, temples, mosques and churches by laws within the territory of the People's Republic of China. Rules for the Implementation of the Provisions on the Administration of Religious Activities of Foreigners within the Territory of the People's Republic of China —( Order of State Administration for Religious Affairs of the People’s Republic of China No.1 issued on September 26, 2000)
6.1.3 Article 7 Collective religious activities of foreigners shall be held in registered monasteries, temples, mosques, churches approved by the religious affairs department under the people's government at or above the county level by laws, or in designated temporary locations approved by the department of religious affairs under people’s government at the level of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.
Collective religious activities of foreigners in temporary locations should be managed by the religious affairs department under the people's government at or above the county level. —( Order of State Administration for Religious Affairs of the People’s Republic of China No.1 issued on September 26, 2000)
6.1.4 Article 17 Any of the following missionary activities of foreigners shall not be permitted within the territory of the People's Republic of China:
(a) Appoint religious clergies among Chinese citizens;
(b) Develop religious believers among Chinese citizens;
(c) Preach and sermon in religious sites without legal approval;
(d) Preach, sermon and hold religious gatherings beyond the registered religious sites without legal approval;
(e) Hold religious activities at temporary sites with Chinese citizens present, except the Chinese clerical personnel invited to preside over religious activities;
(f) Produce or sell religious booklets, audio-visual products, electronic religious publications and other religious items;
(g)  Distribute religious publicity;
(h)  Hold other forms of missionary activities. —( Order of State Administration for Religious Affairs of the People’s Republic of China No.1 issued on September 26, 2000)
6. 2Foreign students in our university are prohibited to conduct any of the following activities that are related to religion.
6.2.1Foreign students are prohibited to conduct any kind of religious gathering on campus.
6.2.2Foreign students are prohibited to praying together in the dormitory, apartments, or in any other places on campus.
6.2.3Foreign students are prohibited to require any departments in this university to support any of their religious activities.
6.2.4Foreign students are prohibited to disturb the teaching plan.
7. 3The university shall not tolerate any religious activities and participators that are against Chinese laws and regulations. Depending on the seriousness of the offense, violators shall be severely dealt with according to school rules and regulations. In serious cases, violators shall be handed over to police station and judiciary department and shall be investigated for criminal responsibility.
6. 4 For detailed rules for religious affairs refer to Attachment 3 An Information Letter to Foreign Students on Religious Activities.
7. 1Housing regulations of foreign students
7.1.1Foreign students registering in our university shall live in the foreign student apartments of our university.
7.1.2Foreign students shall lodge in the rooms designated by the logistics. Foreign students should not change their rooms arbitrarily during the semester without special reasons.
7.1.3Foreign students may choose the room type when they register under the circumstances that there are spare rooms, while foreign students shall obey the allocation of the logistics if the room source is insufficient.
7.1.4Foreign students shall pay off the accommodation expenses of one academic year in one time when they enter the university. And when they check in, they shall also pay 200 RMB as the deposits of items in rooms which will be refunded when they leave the university.
7.1.5Before lodging, foreign students need to check the items equipped in rooms and contrast those items with the Dormitory Contract between Hubei University of Arts and Science & Foreign Students(see Attachment 4) provided by the dormitory management personnel. They should sign on the contract after the items are in line with the items on the list. The items shall be compensated according to their prices if they are damaged or lost during the use.
7.1.6Foreign students shall comply with the routine of the day of the university. The door of the foreign student dormitory will be closed at 23:00 per night, and foreign students must return the apartments before that time.
7.1.7The keys of the foreign student apartments can only be used by foreign students themselves, and they should not privately make new keys or lend their keys to others.
7.1.8Foreign students should not lend their rooms to others when they go on holiday or return to their countries, and they also should not conduct activities that violate Chinese laws and school rules in foreign student apartments.
7.1.9Foreign students should not privately accommodate others or transfer or lend their beds (rooms) to others.
7. 2Relevant regulations of electricity and gas utilization of foreign students
7.2.1The university will provide20 units of electric power for each foreign student per month for free. The expense of electric power exceeding 6 units shall be paid on time, and the student lose the electric card shall reapply for a new card in time.
7.2.2The use of immersion heater, electric heater, electric oven, big fan and other high-power electrical appliances in rooms are strictly prohibited. Once discovered, the electrical appliances being used will be confiscated, and the punishment will be given according to relevant regulations. 
7.2.3If foreign students want to purchase household appliances besides those equipped by the university, they shall submit a written application to the International Education Institute. And they can purchase and use the household appliances only after approval.
7.2.4If the electric appliances or circuits in rooms go wrong, foreign students shall report to the management personnel. The electrician will be called by the foreign student apartments for repair, and foreign students are strictly prohibited to dismantle or repair appliances by themselves.
7.2.5The power of all electric appliances shall be disconnected when there is nobody in rooms so as to prevent fire hazard.
7.2.6It is strictly prohibited to use gas in foreign student apartments. Once discovered, the gas appliances being used will be confiscated and the punishment will be given according to relevant regulations.
7.2.7If a fire hazard or other accidents are caused due to the violation of above regulations of power utilization, the person liable shall bear corresponding responsibilities and compensate all losses. The criminal sanctions will be given by the judicial authority to the person liable of a serious fire hazard.
7. 3 Visiting system
Visitors are required to show their credentials which are sufficient to certify their identities before visiting. They also need to conduct the following procedures and comply with the following provisions:
7.3.1Visitors shall seriously fill in the visiting sheets item by item according to the regulations after the management personnel get in touch with the foreign students who agree to the visiting. They exchange their credentials with the visiting sheets and then go upstairs to visit the foreign students.
7.3.2Foreign students are not allowed to meet guests during study hours.
7.3.3Visitors are not allowed to visit after 22:00.
7. 4 Other regulations
8.4.1Foreign students shall comply with ethical requirements, develop civilized habits, keep the inside and outside of the dormitory building tidy and beautiful, and make all daily utensils clean, tidy and orderly. Foreign students shall not place articles randomly, and the personal articles at public places for more than two days shall be treated as articles without owners by management personnel. Foreign students shall keep the washrooms, bathrooms and toilets clean and sanitary. They should not smoke at public places and throw any articles out of the building. The garbage shall be emptied at designated place, and pets are not allowed to be kept within the foreign student apartment.
7.4.2The maintenance costs for the blockage of sewer caused by uncleanly sanitation shall be bore by the person liable or allotted evenly among foreign students living in that room under the condition that the responsibility can not be clearly confirmed.
7.4.3Foreign students shall consciously protect the facilities in public kitchens, clean kitchens regularly, and keep the public kitchens clean and sanitary.
7.4.4Foreign students shall pay attention to water-saving.
7.4.5In order to protect foreign students’ property safety, foreign students who want to borrow keys from the dorm supervisor shall first call the class director to certify their identities with the dorm supervisor. Only with the class director’s verification, can the dorm supervisor open the dormitory for the students.
7.4.6Foreign students shall keep the foreign student apartments quiet and should not conduct activities which influence the study and the rest of others in foreign student apartments such as dancing, loud noise, excessive drinking, and loud music. If foreign students are found playing music loudly, their speakers or computers shall be confiscated. And violators shall be given corresponding punishment by International Education Institute and Security Guard Department according to the provisions in Rules for International Students of Hubei University of Arts and Science.
7.4.7In order to protect foreign students’ personnel safety, foreign students are forbidden to go out of the dormitory after 23:00 per night. If foreign students are in an emergency, they need to call the class director firstly and get the class director’s permission, then go outside with their own passport, and students ID card. Foreign students should not go out of the dormitory by prying open the door or by climbing down water pipes. Once discovered, violators shall be given serious punishment and shall take all responsibilities for any accident that happens.
7.4.8For the sake of foreign students and others’ personnel safety and keeping the campus tidy and beautiful, foreign students are forbidden to throw any articles out of the window. Violators shall be given severe punishment and shall take full responsibility for any accident that happens.
7.4.9Foreign students should not damage, dismantle, remodel, or remove the equipments and articles in dormitory buildings and rooms, and doodle inside or outside the rooms. Violators will be required to restore the original state, pay full prices, and be given corresponding punishment according to the seriousness of the case. 
7.4.10Foreign students who use the computer network in foreign student apartments shall comply with the relevant management regulations of the network center of the university. (Users should not conduct illegal activities that damage the national security, disclose the national secret by means of the network and produce, or look up, copy and disseminate the information and pornographic information that obstruct public order and public virtue.) Meanwhile, foreign students shall apply for real-name accounts to the network center of the university and connect the dormitory network by real-name accounts. The expenses caused shall subject to the relevant charge regulations issued by the network center of the university.
7.4.11Foreign students shall return the dormitory keys, and the deposits will be refunded when they graduate, complete the courses, or move to other domiciles.
7.4.12Foreign students who lose the qualification to be students in the university shall leave school within the designated time limit. The university will not provide the housing after the time limit, and the university has the right to deal with the articles left in rooms.
7.4.13Above apartment management regulation of foreign students shall be observed seriously, and students who violate the regulation must pay fines or be ordered to leave the dormitory according to the seriousness of the case. The International Education Institute will report to the relevant department of the university and order the students who cause baneful influence to quit school.
(a) The student who asks for Leave-of-Absence due to personal business or illness has to submit a written application to International Education Institute.If it is a leave for illness, the foreign student should hand-in the doctor’ s medical certificate to the office together with the leave application.Then the student will be issued a certificate for leave-of-absence.If an extended leave of absence is granted, the student is required to notify the International Education Institute upon their return.
(b) The foreign student who asks for a leave (include illness leave and business leave) should be authorized by the International Education Institute. Except for suspension of schooling, students should not ask for illness leave and business leave for more than 1/10 of total class hours in one semester.
    (c) The absence due to illness requires for the foreign student to present the doctor's medical certificate.The Leave-of-Absence of business must be written by the foreign student in person and be attached to the necessary document at the same time. Attending doctor’s medical certificate is required for students who ask for leave for more than one week, ask for leave before or after holidays, or ask for a leave during the examinations.
    (d) If a student becomes sick during the class and can not attend the class, they must ask leave of absence from the class teacher if he/she will miss one class. However, if the student will be absent for more than one class, he/she must notify the International Education Institute.
    (e) If a student suspects they have to leave the university immediately because of acute disease or an emergency, he/she must contact International Education Institute at this time and go through procedures for leave of absence.
    (f) The foreign students should notify International Education Institute upon return of a leave of absence. Otherwise, the time will be considered absence.
    (g) If a student is granted leave and the time allocated is not sufficient, then he/she is required to contact the International Education Institute with written documentation, requesting additional time.
    (h) Foreign students are permitted to ask for leave during the exam period.However if there is a special circumstance, a written request should be handed into the International Education Institute, and the exam will be rescheduled.
    (i) If a student is not granted a leave by the International Education Institute, the student will be regarded as absent from class, and he/she will be punished accordingly.
    (j) The foreign student who does not file a leave of absence and does not attend class, he/she can not make up the leave of absence and will be punished as absence.
    (k) While a student asks for short time of illness leave and need to recuperate from an illness, they are required to remain in their room and not to leave the campus or mingle with other students.
    (l) Teachers are required to keep an attendance record in each class.If a student is absent, it is the teacher’s responsibility to contact the International Education Institute and to notify him/her of the absent student.
    (m) The class monitor is responsible for keeping the attendance of foreign students in each class.Any student who is more than ten minuets late for the class will be considered as absent.The monitor is responsible for submitting the attendance record to the International Education Institute at the end of each week.
(a) A foreign student ID card is used to prove the student’s identity and will be used for registration, checking results, and taking exams.
(b) The foreign student ID card is for the foreign student himself or herself only and must be carried and took care by the student at all times.If the card is lost, the student must contact the International Education Institute and apply for making a new card. Once the student completes his/her studies, he/she must return his/her ID card to the International Education Institute on time.
(c) The student who changes his/her student’s record needs to make a new student ID card. And original card should be submitted to International Education Institute.
(d) It is the duty of Teaching Administration Office in the university to issue the Foreign Student ID Card.The students should receive their student ID card within two weeks after registration at HBUAS.
(a) The students must attend the exam according to student number, and may not be absent from final examination without reasons. If the student can't take the final examination on time due to special reasons, he or she needs to submit a written application. After the approval of Leadership of International Education Institute, the student is allowed to attend the delayed exam in the same time as the supplementary exam next semester. If there is no reason for student’s absence in the final exam, the score will be recorded as zero. The students need to apologize and examine in writing and retake that subject.
 (b) The student must take the student identification card to the testing room. Those who can’t present his/her ID need an approval letter for his/her identity from International Education Institute. Otherwise, his/her qualification for exam will be canceled.
 (c) When students take the exam, except the pen, pencil, ruler and rubber, they shall not carry any books, notebooks, communication tools and ect. into the examination room, otherwise it is cheating.
 (d) If 30 minutes late, students are not allowed to take the exam and regarded as absent from the exam. Only after thirty minutes can students hand in papers, and they have to leave the examination room after handing in papers.
 (e) In the beginning of the exam, students should write Batch number, student number, and name in the specified place on the paper, otherwise the examination paper is invalid and the score will be recorded as zero. The students need to answer the paper with black or blue pen or ball-point pen and you can't use a pencil or a red pen. The handwriting must be clear.
 (f) During the test, the student can not leave the seats, whisper with other classmates, share the answers, delivery note and etc. If the student has special reasons, they must raise his/her hand to report to the supervisors. If the student breaks these rules more than twice during one exam, the supervisor has the right to confiscate the paper. If someone refuses to hand over the examination paper, the paper will be counted as zero. The student will be removed from the examination room with signature of 2 present teachers for cheating.
 (g) When the exam time is up, students should immediately stop answering question. The paper is not allowed to carry out of the examination room. If students refuse to hand in the paper, the paper will be counted as zero. Students should leave the room immediately after handing them, can not stay near the room. Otherwise is cheating.
 (h) Students must respect the supervisor and obey the supervisor’s order.  If anyone doesn't respect the teachers, the supervisor has the right to give the student a written warning.
(a) Classrooms should only be used when authorized;individual students or groups can not use or change classrooms without the university’s authorization.
 (b) Class begins promptly at the scheduled time.Students are expected to be on time. During all classes, they should not leave the classroom without permission;other than that, late comers should let the teacher know the reason why he/she was late, and he/she is able to enter the class only with the teacher’s permission.
 (c) Students’ clothing should be properly attired during class;behaviors, like wearing vests or slippers, are strictly prohibited in any classroom.
 (d) During the class, students should earnestly listen to the teacher's lecture and raise their hands before asking any questions. When the class is over, students should leave orderly.
 (e) Keep quiet during class time.Do not smoke or play fight in classroom.
 (f) Students should take good care of all the teaching equipment in the class room without removing it. And they should do not scribble or inscribe on the desks by pens and knives. It is each student’s duty to keep the classrooms clean. Do not throw garbage or spit anywhere in the classroom.Foreign students should initiatively clean up their own waste around the seat.
 (g) Students cannot reserve seats for themselves and others.
 (h) Students should save electricity and switch off the power supply when all the students have left the classroom.
(a) Foreign students should wear their white uniform and white cap before entering the laboratory.They should enter orderly into the laboratory and should not arrive late or leave early during experiments.
(b) Check experimental apparatus before experiments. Only conduct experiments under the teacher’s supervision, and strictly abide by the laboratory operating procedures.
(c) Do not take cushion into the laboratory;eating food and smoking is prohibited during laboratory experiments.
(d) Take good care of all the instruments and specimens in the laboratory. Taking them out of the laboratory is strictly prohibited. Foreign students should promptly report to the teacher or lab assistant if any experiment equipment or facility is broken or damaged, and the loss should be paid according to the related stipulations.
(e) Students should strictly abide by operating instructions.During all experiments, students should be mindful of their own safety and should not damage or waste the equipment, specimens and medicine. After the experiment, students should put the instruments, specimens and materials back in their original places or cabinet.All the waste from experiments (especially the toxic and corrosive waste) should be put into the labeled waste containers.
(f) After experiments, students should do the cleaning and turn off the tap, electricity, gas and so on before they leave the laboratory.
(a) Foreign students should show their student ID cards or library cards before they enter the reading room.
(b) Foreign students should respect library policy and regulations at all times. They should take good care of books in reading rooms. After reading books they wish to read, foreign students should remember to put them back on the original bookshelf. Damaging, altering, breaking or defiling the library books is strictly prohibited. And the foreign student shall pay a fine for damages and lose of books.
(c) Foreign students should keep quiet while they are in the reading rooms;spiting, eating food, smoking, and leaving a mess in the reading room are strictly prohibited.
(d) Foreign students should be mindful of the furniture in the reading rooms. They should not scribble or inscribe on the desks and table. And damaging lighting facilities is also prohibited.
(e) Foreign students cannot reserve seats for themselves and others.
(f) Students should strictly abide by library regulations.
(a) Ways to borrow
 The library implements open-shelves reading. First, readers enter open-shelve stacks by showing their school card to the librarian and find the books they wish to check-out or read. Then they check out books at the circulation desk. Readers should put back the books they do not want to borrow. And they should not place books horizontally or misplace books.
(b) Librarycollections should be borrowedwith aschoolcard. Everyonecan borrow up to 20 books/ time and books should be returned in 10 months. Books can berenewed once,for a period of 1 month.Late return will impose a fine of 0.1 Yuan/day for a single book.
(c) Freshmen(foreign students) could apply for a library card after admission with a student card and a learning time statement drawn by the International Education Institute. The library card is valid no longer than the learning time. A one-inch color photo shall be submitted to the library and the production cost of the library card is 10 Yuan.Freshmen(foreign students) have to pay a deposit of 100 US dollars or RMB300 Yuan, which will be returned according to receipt and library card after graduation.
1.      The schoolcard is for one person only and is not transferable. Once break, your schoolcard will be detained.
2.      If the library card is lost, please report loss in the library with your personal valid ID. Reader will be responsible for the lost card and borrowed book before reporting loss.You can cancel the report of loss if you find the library card before it is reissued.
3.      When the library books are lost, reader should compensate the same or updated version of the lost book before the due date. Or, the reader should compensate the book 5 times the original price and the processing fees (RMB10Yuan) are needed. Exceeding the time limit, readers have to pay a late fine as well.
4.      Reader will be punished for book damage according to the “Librarypunishment regulation”.
5.      Stealingbooks is not allowed. Once discovered, Violators are subject to a fine, tentimes the originalprice of the book,and reported to college for further punishment.
6.      Reader must return all the borrowed books and wipe off their debts to complete the school leaving procedure.
8.8.1When students are enrolling in the university, they should truthfully fill their family information, so that the university can contact their family members in emergency circumstances.
8.8.2In order to have new students get familiar with Chinese laws, regulations of the university, and the campus environment, and to make them have a clear study goal, foreign students are required to attend convention of enrollment education and learnAn Information Letter to New Studentsand General Obligation for International Students’ Safety at Hubei University of Arts and Science (see Attachment 5 and Attachment 6).
8.8.3Class directors should hold a theme class meeting every two weeks, and every student are required to attend it.
8.8.4In order to master students’ dynamic information and to protect their personal safety and property safety, students should report their whereabouts to their class directors during the summer vocations, winter vocations, and other festivals or holidays.
8.9.1In order to meet the rapid development of international students’ education in China, to protect foreign students’ legal rights and interests, to improve mechanism for handing emergency, and to optimize study environment for foreign students, International Department of the Ministry of Education issued Temporary Provisions on Foreign Students Purchasing Insurance.(教外司来[2007]No.1078)Stipulation on foreign students’ purchase of insurance is hereby made according the spirit of this document.
8.9.2Students who will study in the university for more than one semesters (including one semester) should purchase group comprehensive insurance for foreign students designated by the university during their study.
8.9.3Students need to purchase group comprehensive insurance for foreign students designated by the university when they pay tuition fee. (For details refer to Attachment 1.)
8.9.4Foreign students should know clearly the borne party of insurance cost and the payment method. If there is no clearly stipulation, foreign students themselves should bear the insurance cost.
8.9.5Considering that Ping An Annuity Insurance Company, Ltd. has served as the company for accepting Chinese government scholarship students’ comprehensive insurance for foreign students, the university selects comprehensive insurance for foreign students staying in China of Ping An Annuity Insurance Company, Ltd. as the designated group comprehensive insurance for foreign students in the our university as so to ensure that foreign students in our university enjoy the consistent standards of insurance coverage.
8.9.6When it comes to specific issues of comprehensive insurance for foreign students staying in China, it will be implemented according to specific terms of Ping An Annuity Insurance Company, Ltd. (For details on comprehensive insurance refer to Attachment 7 Comprehensive Insurance & Protection Scheme for Foreigners Staying in China of
Ping An Annuity Insurance Company, Ltd.)
8.9.7This provision starts since September 2009.
8.9.8International Education Institute is authorized by the university to interpret this provision.
8.10.1In accordance with Chinese relevant laws, foreigners should go to the police station of public security organs in that area for temporary accommodation registration within 24 hours after arrival.
8.10.2Students who live in our university should go in person within 24 hours after arrival at the universityto police office of LongZhong Pingpolice station in Xiangcheng District for temporary accommodation registration accompanied by the teachers.
8.10.3Students having long-term residence in Xiangyang who wishes to lodge temporarily elsewhere (such as travelling) other than their own residence shall report and register accommodation within 24 hours after arrival at the university. Those who come back to university after they leave Chinese mainland shall also report.
8.10.4Where foreign students stay in hotels in China, the hotels shall register their accommodation in accordance with the regulations on the public security administration of the hotel industry, and submit foreigners’ accommodation registration information to the public security organs in the places where the hotels are located. Students should cooperate with the hotels to complete the accommodation registration.
8.10.5For foreign students who reside or stay in domiciles other than hotels, they or the persons who accommodate them shall, within 24 hours after the students ‘ arrival, go through the registration formalities with the public security organs in the places of residence.
8.10.6Students who go for temporary accommodation registration are required to carry their passports and two 2 -inch white-background bareheaded photos.
8.10.7For the overdue, the public security organs shall impose a fine of more than 500 yuan/day. And students themselves should take full responsibility for the resulting legal and financial penalty.
8.10.8Students who have been punished by the public security organs as a result of violation of accommodation registration shall also receive penalty from the university. The university shall give warnings to those who violate accommodation registration regulation for the first time, serious warning for the second time. Students who violate the accommodation registration regulation the third time shall be expelled from the university.
8.10.9Foreign students should live in designated rooms or apartments in the university and should not live out of the campus without permission. Otherwise, offenders shall be punished as illegal residence.
8.10.10Foreign student should fill in dynamic table of foreign students’ whereabouts during holidays seriously, carefully and honestly. They should report truthfully to their class directors when they leave Xiangyang and arrive at Xiangyang. Foreign students themselves shall take the full responsibility in the event of mispresentation, misdescription or non-discloure made by them when they fill in dynamic table of foreign students’ whereabouts during the holidays.
8.11.1Foreign students must hold ordinary passport when they come to China, and they should hold X1 or X2 visa when they enter china.
8.11.2If foreign students register in the university with X visa, they need to fill out Visa and Residence PermitApplication Form(Aliens)in foreign affairs office in the university. For foreign students with X1 visa, they should apply for residence permit of more than 6 months within 30 days in Exit-Entry administration Department of Xiangyang Public Security Bureau by presenting their valid passport, original JW202 Form, Letter of Admission, School Letters, Health Certificate issued by Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of HubeiProvince, temporary accommodation registration form, one recently-taken bareheaded and white-background photos, and written Visa and Residence PermitApplication Form(Aliens) . For foreign students with X2 visa, they should apply for residence permit of more than 6 months within the valid date in Exit-Entry administration Department of Xiangyang Public Security Bureau by presenting relevant material. Those who fail to apply for it before the deadline will be imposed a fine.
8.11.3Foreign students who transfer from universities of other cities or provinces and take their residence permit should go through procedures of changing workplace of residence permit and extension procedures within 10 days after arrival at the university. They should first handle removal formalities in original place of residence, and then they go to foreign affairs office to fill in forms of modification of visa and forms of extension. In addition, they need to handle moving into procedures in Exit-Entry administration Department of Xiangyang Public Security Bureau.
8.11.4Foreign students (except for students holding a residence permit) should apply for re-entry visa in Exit-Entry administration Department of Xiangyang Public Security Bureau before 10 days by presenting personal valid documents and certificate issued by International Student Office if they need to go overseas ( including Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan regions ). The entry is valid for only one time. Foreign students should return to the university within period of validity of the re-entry.
8.11.5Those students whose visas or residence permit will expire and want to continue their study in China need to apply for residence permit extension before one moth of the expiration. After their application is approved by the university, foreign students need to fill out Visa and Residence PermitApplication Form(Aliens)in foreign affairs office by presenting their valid passport and residence permit. Then they should apply for extension in Exit-Entry administration Department of Xiangyang Public Security Bureau with designated teachers. Those foreign students whose visa or residence permit expire shall be imposed a fine.
8.11.6When applying for a residence permit, a foreigner shall, in accordance with relevant provisions, submit his or her valid health certificate.
8.11.7The shortest period of validity of study residence permit is 180 days, and the longest time 5 years. Foreign students who apply for residence certificates shall confirm the application date should be at least 180 days before the valid date of their passports. Otherwise, they have to get the new passport at least 180 days before the valid date of their old passports.  .
8.11.8Foreign students should pay attention to the period of validity of their residence permit or visa. And foreign students themselves should accept the penalties cause by not applying for extension on time or late entry into China.
8.11.9Foreign students who have completed their study to leave china should hold their valid passport before valid date of their residence permit. Those foreign students who can not leave China on time due to certain reasons need to make an application of staying permit visa approved by both the university and the Exit and Entry Administration of Xiangyang Municipal Public Security Bureau. Frontier inspection station shall take away the residence permit of foreign students who shall not return to China when they leave China.
8.11.10All visas and certificates are forbidden to be altered or damaged without permission. Offenders shall be punished. Foreign students should properly keep their residence permit. If they are lost, foreign students shall declare invalid on the newspaper timely according to relevant provisions and apply for replacement at the same time.
8.11.11Foreign students apply for residence permit, visa or extending their certificates at their own expense.
8.11.12The university does not invite foreign student’s families as a companion for reading in the university in principle. Under special circumstance, foreign students’ families can apply L visa to Chinese embassy (consulate) by presenting school certificate of Hubei University of Arts and Science. The Exit and Entry Administration of Xiangyang Municipal Public Security Bureau can issue L visa extension or residence permit with the valid date before foreign students’ residence permit. 
8.11.13Students who have been punished by the public security organs as a result of violation of Exit and Entry Administration Provisions shall also receive penalty from the university. The university shall give warnings to those who violate Exit and Entry Administration Provisions for the first time, serious warning for the second time. Students who violate the Exit and Entry Administration Provisions the third time shall be expelled from the university.
Attachment 1:
Fees Rules for International Students of HubeiUniversity of Arts and Science
1.      留学生必须按照国家和学校的规定(湖北文理学院留学生管理规定第二章第三条)按时缴纳学费、保险费、住宿费及其他有关费用;在校留学生在未缴纳以上费用期间,学校不承认其为在校学生,不予以办理外国人临时住宿登记、居留许可证、学籍注册等在华相关手续,不享受学校提供的各种相关服务。
1. According to the Chinese rules and the university regulations (Rules and Regulations for International Students at Hubei University of Arts and Science, article 3 of the second chapter), international students have to pay tuition fee, insurance fee, accommodation fee and other related expenses on time. If the students don’t pay those related expenses, he/she will not be admitted to HBUAS; the university will not help him/her to handle registration at the local police station, residence permit for foreigner in the People’s Republic of China, and registration in Hubei Educational Department and other relevant formalities in China. Those students who do not pay up the related expenses can not enjoy any related services provided by HBUAS.
1.      新生入学当天缴清学费、保险费、住宿费及其他有关费用后,方可办理入学及入住手续。
2. The new international students have to pay tuition fee, insurance fee, accommodation fee and other related expenses before they handle admission procedures and check-in procedures.
1.      对于能遵守学校规定,在新学年第一学期入学后7天内(含7天)缴清所有费用者,湖北文理学院给予正式注册。
2.      In the new academic year, those students who obey the university regulations strictly and pay in full the related expenses within seven days (including seven days) after the first semester starts, they will be students of registration in HBUAS.
3.      新学年第一学期入学后30天内(含30天)未缴清学费、保险费、住宿费及其他有关费用者,取消该生本学年评优评先资格和该学年奖学金评选资格。
4. In the new academic year, those students who don’t pay off the tuition fee, insurance fee, accommodation fee and other related expenses within thirty days (including thirty days) after the first semester starts, they will be disqualified to apply for the university excellence award, scholarship or provincial scholarship of that academic year e.
1.      新学年第一学期入学后45天内(含45天)未缴清学费、保险费、住宿费及其他有关费用者,给予该生书面催缴通知,辅导员老师将与中介取得联系,通知其家长。
5. In the new academic year, those students who don’t pay in full the related tuition fee, insurance fee, accommodation fee and other related expenses within forty-five days (including forty-five days) after the first semester starts, they will be given the first written Reminder Notice, and their class director will inform their agent and parents.
1.      新学年第一学期入学后60天内(含60天)未缴清学费、保险费、住宿费及其他有关费用者,给予该生第二次书面催缴通知,并限定缴纳学费时间;在限定时间内,仍不缴纳者,取消该生参与本学期末考试资格和补考资格,本学期所有考试科目一律重修。
6. In the new academic year, those students who don’t pay off the related tuition fee, insurance fee, accommodation fee and other related expenses within sixty days(including sixty days) after the first semester starts, they will be given the second written Reminder Notice which covers the limited time to pay up the related expenses. In the limited period of time, if those students still don’t pay up the related expenses, the university will cancel their qualification to attend the final exams, and require them to retake those subjects.
1.      新学年第一学期入学后90天内(含90天)未缴清学费、保险费、住宿费及其他有关费用者,学校将通知公安局,教育厅注销该生外国人住宿登记、居留许可证、学籍等在华一切手续,给予其退学处理。
7. In the new academic year, those students who don’t pay in full the related tuition fee, insurance fee, accommodation fee and other related expenses within ninety days(including ninety days) after the first semester starts, the university will inform the Public Security Bureau and HubeiEducational Department of canceling their registration at the local police station, canceling their residence permit for foreigner in the People’s Republic of China, canceling their registration in HubeiEducational Department and other relevant formalities in China. And they will receive a notice of voluntary drop out of HBUAS.
1.      在校留学生因特殊原因不按期缴纳学费、保险费、住宿费及其他有关费用者,需由学生监护人在新学期开学初(7天内)与我学校通电话说明事由,15天之内出示正式证明材料;确因家庭困难,无法支持学习者,学校给予其休学或退学处理。
8. In the new academic year, those students who cannot pay off the related expenses on time(such as tuition fee, insurance fee, accommodation fee and so on) due to special reasons, their guardians should give the university a call to explain the specific reasons within seven days after the first semester starts, and show the formal written documents with government seal to the university within fifteen days after the first semester starts. If they do cannot afford the related study expenses in China, they will receive a notice of suspension of schooling or voluntary drop out of HBUAS.
                                               International Education collage
Attachment 2:
An Information Letter to Foreign Students on Graduation and Leaving the University
To all graduate students,            
Foreign students in Hubei University of Arts and Science usually graduate and leave the university at the beginning of July. In order to ensure foreign students leaving the university safely in a smooth, civilized, and harmonic way, to keep teaching, work and life in the university in order, and to provide convenient and efficient service, An Information Letter to Foreign Students on Graduation and Leaving Universityis hereby formulated. It is hope that all the foreign graduate students shall read it carefully and create a good leaving atmosphere by working with the university.
Part I: Time Arrangement for Leaving (for reference only)
①,6-23——6-25            补考
    June 23——June 25       supplementary examination
②,6-26——6-27           毕业考试(理论考试、实际操作)
    June 26,——June 27       graduation exam (theory test, actual practice)
③,6-30                   毕业典礼、毕业照
    June 30                 graduation ceremony, graduation photos
④,7-01——7-03           毕业手续办理
    July 1——July 3         graduation formalities
⑤,7-04——7-7            离校时间
    July 4——July 7         leaving time
Part II: Handing Procedures of Graduation Formalities
Teaching Administration Office (office building)
1. 上交HSK4级原件
Submit the original certificate of HSK 4.
2. 上交毕业实习手册,实习报告,10份病例以及实习前所发的7份证明材料,包括:《临床见习证明书》、《在校人品证明书》、《联系实习医院的授权书》、《实习许可证明书》、《已修课程及学时证明书》、《总成绩单》和《实习联系函(包括实习推介信及医院接收函)》。
Submit the following documents: Graduation Practice Manual, internship report, 10 cases with the signature of supervisor, Recommendation Letter, Form of Acceptance, Authorization, No Objection Certificate, Academic Transcript, Hours Allocation of MBBS Curriculum, Clinical Work Sheet, and Character Certificate.
3. 毕业生凭《湖北文理学院留学生离校通知单》领取相关文件。
The graduates take the related documents with ‘Departure Checklist for International Students in HBUAS’。
    Financial Department (office building)
Financial department shall check whether students have paid all the tuition fees, accommodation and other related expenses during the five academic years. Those who have not paid the full amount should pay it in full as soon as possible. Those who have paid in full shall be confirmed by the financial department by signature and seal.
    Library (Foreign Language Stack Room)
Library shall check whether students have returned all the borrowed books on time. Those who have not returned library books should return it as soon as possible, and those who have lost library books should pay compensation payments to the library according to Library provision. Students are required to pay 0.20 RMB/day book fine to the library. The library shall confirm it by signature and seal.
    Asset Management Office (office building)
Asset Management Office shall check whether air conditioners, water heaters, washing machines, television sets and other related electrical equipment that students used in the university are intact. As to damage and missing items, payment notice shall be issued by Asset Management Office after approving compensation price. Students should pay related costs to the financial department with the notice. Asset Management Office shall sign and seal it after verification.
    Logistics Department (office building)
Logistics Department shall check inventory of beds, tables, chairs, wardrobes, sofas and other related equipment and facilities that students have used in the university. As for the damage and missing items, payment notice shall be issued by Logistics Department after approving compensation price, and students should pay related costs to the financial department with the notice. Logistics Department shall also check students’ water and electricity payment in the university, and students are required to pay off the fees to the financial department on time. Logistics Department shall confirm it by signature and seal.
    Security Department (the first floor of the office building)
Security Department shall verify whether students have ever been detained or arrested by Chinese law enforcement agencies, Chinese Government, or Hubei University of Arts and Science, or have got any punishment. Security Department shall sign and seal it after verification.
    Student Management Office (International Education Collage)
Students should hand in their student ID card of Hubei University of Arts and Science and dormitory keys. The coordinator shall verify students’ performance in the university, check hostel property again, and sign and seal it after confirming that students have gone through all the formalities in the university.
Part III: Precautions before Leaving
    Students should hand in all the relevant graduate material required by the university.
    Students should go through all thegraduation formalities in order and in a civilized way according to rules and regulations.
    Students should abide by laws of the People's Republic of China and relevant rules and regulations of Hubei University of Arts and Science.
    Students should pay attention to personal safety. They should raise their vigilance when strangers accost them; they should not have drunken behavior and should avoid quarreling and fighting with others. They are prohibited to go to ponds, rivers, lakes and other non-formal swimming venue for fun, frolic, and swim.
    Students should pay attention to traffic safety. Students outside the university should comply with local traffic laws and make way for passing traffic when they are walking in roads. Those who need to take public transport should take a regular taxi and bus, and they are prohibited to illegally drive motorcycles, cars and other motor vehicles.
    Students should pay attention to property safety. They should safekeeping their carry-on personal property, double lock the door before leaving, and close the windows. They should try to handle business in banks during the day to avoid the loss of personal property.
Foreign graduate students of Hubei University of Arts and Science are required to leave the university on July 4, in principle. Considering some students defer graduation because of substandard performance in examinations, the leaving time is extended to July 7 by the university. Individuals who can not leave the university before July 7 due to the special circumstances should submit a written application to state their circumstances, and they shall be allowed to live in the university dormitory until date of approve after it is approved by the university and after those students have paid 300 RMB as deposit.
Part IV: Precautions after Leaving
    As some foreign students have not purchased insurance, the original student record of foreign students shall be automatically canceled after they have gone through all the formalities on July 3. And the university shall not have the obligation to supervise any activities conducted by them in China and shall no longer take any responsibility for them. Students should bear all the responsibility and consequences for all their actions in China (including medical aid and personal accidents).
    The university shall also remind students of paying attention to item ④, ⑤, and ⑥in Part III at the same time, taking all responsibility for their own personal safety, traffic safety, and property safety, and not to lingering in China and returning to their own country as soon as possible.
Part V: Whereabouts Reporting
In order to assist public security department of the People's Republic of China to know and master foreign people’s dynamic information in China, graduate students have the obligation to provide the coordinator their whereabouts in China from 4 July to time they leave Chinese territory.
Part VI: Wishes
It is hoped that all foreign student should cherish their campus life before they leave the university, and they can consciously leave the university safely in a civilized and harmonic way. It is sincerely hoped that all foreign students shall play to their strengths in the coming days and make their contribution to medical and health service of their motherland and to human health as well.
Wish all foreign graduate students good health, a successful career and a pleasant life!
学生签字(Student's Signature):
学生学号(Student I.D. No.):
手机号码(Mobile Number):
邮箱号码(E-mail Address):
International Office,
HubeiUniversity of Arts and Science
International Education Collage,
HubeiUniversity of Arts and Science
Attachment 3:
An Information Letter to Foreign Students on Religious Activities
To all foreign students,
According to Rules for the Implementation of the Provisions on the Administration of Religious Activities of Foreigners within the Territory of the People's Republic of China ( Order of State Administration for Religious Affairs of the People’s Republic of China No.1 issued on September 26, 2000) and Regulations on Higher Education Institutions Accepting Foreign Students ( Order of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China No.9 issued on January 31, 2000) and other related Chinese laws, foreign people are forbidden to conduct or participate in religious activities in places that are not legally registered. In order to create a stable and harmonious campus, we hope all foreign students in this university shall obey Chinese laws and regulations voluntarily. Therefore, stipulation on foreign students’ religious activities on campus is informed:

Article 33 The customs and religious beliefs of foreign students shall be respected by Chinese Higher Education Institutions, but Chinese Higher Education Institutions shall not provide foreigners with sites for their religious ceremonies. The religious missions and gatherings on campus are strictly prohibited. —Regulations on Higher Education Institutions Accepting Foreign Students ( Order of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China No.9 issued on January 31, 2000)
二、  外国人在中国境内可以根据自己的宗教信仰在依法登记的寺院、宫观、清真寺、教堂参加宗教活动。——《中华人民共和国境内外国人宗教活动管理规定实施细则》第五条(2000年9月26日国家宗教事务局令第1号)
Article 5 In accordance with their own religious beliefs, foreigners may participate in religious activities in registered monasteries, temples, mosques and churches by laws within the territory of the People's Republic of China. —Rules for the Implementation of the Provisions on the Administration of Religious Activities of Foreigners within the Territory of the People's Republic of China ( Order of State Administration for Religious Affairs of the People’s Republic of China No.1 issued on September 26, 2000)
三、 境内外国人集体进行宗教活动要在由县级以上人民政府宗教事务部门认可的经依法登记的寺院、宫观、清真寺、教堂,或在由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府宗教事务部门指定的临时地点举行。境内外国人在临时地点集体进行宗教活动时,应由县级以上人民政府宗教事务部门负责管理。——《中华人民共和国境内外国人宗教活动管理规定实施细则》第七条(2000年9月26日国家宗教事务局令第1号)
Article 7 Collective religious activities of foreigners shall be held in registered monasteries, temples, mosques, churches approved by the religious affairs department under the people's government at or above the county level by laws, or in designated temporary locations approved by the department of religious affairs under people’s government at the level of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.
Collective religious activities of foreigners in temporary locations should be managed by the religious affairs department under the people's government at or above the county level. —( Order of State Administration for Religious Affairs of the People’s Republic of China No.1 issued on September 26, 2000)
四、 外国人不得在中国境内进行下列传教活动(第十七条):
Article 17 Any of the following missionary activities of foreigners shall not be permitted within the territory of the People's Republic of China:
(一) 在中国公民中委任宗教教职人员;
(1)  Appoint religious clergies among Chinese citizens;
(二) 在中国公民中发展宗教教徒;
(2) Develop religious believers among Chinese citizens;
(三) 擅自在宗教活动场所讲经、讲道;
(3) Preach and sermon in religious sites without legal approval;
(四) 未经批准在依法登记的宗教活动场所以外的处所讲经、讲道,进行宗教聚会活动;
(4) Preach, sermon and hold religious gatherings beyond the registered religious sites without legal approval;
(五) 在宗教活动临时地点举行有中国公民参加的宗教活动,被邀请主持宗教活动的中国宗教教职人员除外;
(5) Hold religious activities at temporary sites with Chinese citizens present, except the Chinese clerical personnel invited to preside over religious activities;
(六) 制作或销售宗教书刊、宗教音像制品、宗教电子出版物等宗教用品;
(6) Produce or sell religious booklets, audio-visual products, electronic religious publications and other religious items;
(七) 散发宗教宣传品;
(7)  Distribute religious publicity;
(八) 其他形式的传教活动。——《中华人民共和国境内外国人宗教活动管理规定实施细则》(2000年9月26日国家宗教事务局令第1号)
(8)  Hold other forms of missionary activities. —( Order of State Administration for Religious Affairs of the People’s Republic of China No.1 issued on September 26, 2000)
     Foreign students in our university are prohibited to conduct any of the following activities that are related to religion.
(1)Foreign students are prohibited to conduct any kind of religious gathering  on campus.
(2)Foreign students are prohibited to praying together in the dormitory, apartments, or in any other places on campus.
(3)Foreign students are prohibited to require any departments in this university to support any of their religious activities.
(4)Foreign students are prohibited to disturb the teaching plan.
Classes are arranged on Friday for the need of teaching plan, because there are students from many different countries and cultures. But we can consider arranging some more free time for you on Friday afternoon.
For foreign students who want to go to mosques registered according to the law, we can provide the telephone number for them to contact bus companies or bus drivers. But the university will not arrange any buses for them. And they pay traffic fee on their own and are responsible for their own personal and property safety on their way to the mosques.

The university shall not tolerate any religious activities and participators that are against Chinese laws and regulations. Depending on the seriousness of the offense, violators shall be severely dealt with according to school rules and regulations. In serious cases, violators shall be handed over to police station and judiciary department and shall be investigated for criminal responsibility.
This information letter is aimed to help students know better the rules and regulations of this university and Chinese laws and regulations related to foreign students’ religious activities and to create favorable circumstances for their study. We do not like to see any students shall be punished by this university because of their religious activities on campus. And we do not like to see any students shall be arrested by policemen or commit any crime because of this, either.
If anyone has any doubt about this, you can inquire your embassy.

Notice is hereby given.
  • 以上中文法律条款与英文译文如有争议,以中文的解释为准。
  • Chinese explanation prevails in case of contradiction arising out of the English translation of aforementioned Chinese laws.
学生签字(Student's Signature):
学号(Student I.D. No.):
International Office,
HubeiUniversity of Arts and Science
International Education Collage,
HubeiUniversity of Arts and Science
1. 合同双方
2. 协议
墙面砖 新的&完好无损
地面砖 新的&完好无损
扶手 新的&完好无损
拉门 1扇
案台 新的&完好无损
水槽 新的&完好无损
水龙头 新的&完好无损
阀门 新的&完好无损
水表 新的&完好无损
拉门锁 新的&完好无损
开关 新的&完好无损
日光灯 3个
防盗门 1扇
衣柜 3个
书桌 3个
白墙 新的&完好无损  
蹲式厕所 1个  
水管 新的&完好无损  
热水器 1台  
空调 1台  
洗衣机 1台  
电闸 1个  
空调遥控器 1个  
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